The SME 9500-MCD enables the user to duplicate original micro cassette tapes recorded at 1.2cm up to 16x speed and tapes recorded at 2.4cm at up to 8x speed. No other system in production offers the systems versatility and features. The SME-9500 is an automatic microcassette duplicator that makes one microcassette duplicate from one master without operator intervention ( additional slaves can be added for more than one simultaneous copy). The system is automatic in that it uses only one button to start the duplication process. The system automatically stops both tapes (master & slave) when the copy tape has ended before the master is completed. Once the user inserts an additional copy tape, and presses the start button, the master tape backspaces a few seconds and restarts the recording process. This feature allows for a few seconds overlapping on sequential tapes to allow no loss of conversation. Saul Mineroff Electronics, Inc. is a sole source manufacturer and supplier of the SME 9500-MCD system to both federal and state law enforcement agencies.
System Features: